Sonntag, 23. Januar 2005
Muss er sich ausgerechnet *diese* Zeit aussuchen, um auf Tauchstation zu gehen?

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Äh ... Mule?
Auf wiederholte Empfehlung hin habe ich mir jetzt den Emule runtergeladen, um in leicht verdaulichen Dosen der Illegalität zu frönen. Versuche nun, das Ganze ohne die Erklärungen meiner Mitbewohnerin zu verstehen. Äh. Klicke einfach mal ein bisschen drin rum und warte, (ob) was passiert ...

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AB in the City
"At some point midway between midnight and dawn, I woke up and saw the red 0 on my answering machine. A red zero on an answering machine is like an infinite ellipse of loneliness. A 1 digital readout looks like a strike or a hit, a glimmer of possibility that there might be interest from someone else. A 2 spells an even greater hope of probably one business or important call and the call that you're really waiting for. A 3 message is more promising and subversive in its suggestion of at best two romantic possibilities. A 4 is definite popularity, business and love all mixed together. And a 5 with its S squiggle promises a full life to someone who is as swift as Mercury. Beyond 5 is pure chaos."

Aus Night Swimmer von Joseph Olshan

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