Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2010
Redhead AniManga Samuarai Picspam
Hooray for prettily drawn martial arts hair fetish model heroes!


(from Ruoroni Kenshin)

Girl-type Ranma (from Ranma 1/2)

Shirou (from Midare Somenishi). Guh!

Some guy apparently called Seed apparently froma a game called
Gensosukoden2 which I don't know anything about, I just really liked the pic:

And why, oh why are there no proper pics of Kizuna's Ranmaru 
with his kendo shinai bamboo sword thingy? *sigh*


Being so beautiful, Kenshin does deserve a few more pics. Yes?

Anybody got a clue how to do that eye liner?

Junge, bleib' von deinen Haaren weg mit dem scharfen Ding da!

Huch! Where did all the flowers come from all of a sudden?

Und so herzallerliebst präsentiert sich Kenshin auf Wikipedia
(hat wohl auch zuviel Ranma geguckt):

And being so cute, Ranma deserves a few more pics of himself ...

... and his boy-type half as well.

Share and enjoy!

(PS. Re-watched Samurai X yesterday night, and in one scene Kenshin, wearing his hip mauve silk top, is gripped by such holy rage that his eyes turn yellow and his hair ... pink. How cool is that?)

EDIT: Und wo der Herr Schutzgeist ihn schon so schön verlinkt hat, hab' ich den Herrn Gene Starwind aus Outlaw Star hier auch gleich gemopst:

Bei der schönen Frisur lassen wir die Nerf Knarre als Katana-Ersatz durchgene, äh, -gehen.

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Dienstag, 25. Mai 2010
I ♥ Anime-Openings
D.N. Angel hab' ich zwar noch nicht gesehen, aber die Nummer ist ja wohl der Knaller:

(Mwaaah, das Bass-Gewummer!)
Lol ... kokoro, ich kann Japanisch!
(Und solche Karnickel kann man sich doch nur unter Zuhilfenahme bewusstseinserweiternder Substanzen ausdenken, oder?)

Darüber gestolpert bin ich, weil ich mir eigentlich dieses Opening hier nochmal ansehen wollte (das man sich musikalisch-bildlisch eigentlich auch nur unter Drogeneinfluss ausdenken kann):

Und wo wir gerade dabei sind: Mirage Of Blaze.

Okay, das war 'ne solide Rocknummer. Dafür jetzt noch so ungefähr der bunte-pillen-schwangerste Anime-Opener, den ich kenne:

Das kann man eigentlich nur ultrageil finden oder spontan Amok laufen XD

"Everybody, shake it, buddy!" *singgrins*

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Die gute Nachricht des Tages
Koch tritt zurück

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Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010
Der Haiku zum Wetter
Wet curtains darken
Glaring office days on end
Merry gone awry

Beim Blick aus dem Fenster bleibt einem ja nur noch die Flucht ins Pseudo-depressive Dichten.

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Dienstag, 27. April 2010
City of Aliens
Was lange währt, wird endlich ein Picspam!

In December, absolutelynot1 and yours truly* went off on our Big Torchwood Forest Adventure. Did I mention the weather was gorgeous?

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Day One: Alien Stadium in the bright morning sun opposite our B&B.

Pretty, yes? So of course we took the tour ...

... and marvelled at the armada of ridiculously expensive UV lights nursing the rugby grass though the Welsh winter.

Seats 70,000 (of whom at least 35,000 should not be afraid of heights).

Ugh, wrong number. *sniff*

Yes, the weather was gorgeous indeed.

The view from the top of Cardiff Castle. Alien squid or what?

Again, how did they manage to fit that stadium in there? I mean, look at this:

That's the stands of the Cardiff Blues's stadium. The Cardiff Blues were to move to a new home down in the bay.But then there wasn't enough money. So the Cardiff Blues kept their stadium and they simply, ahem, squeezed the Millenium stadium in.

Visited the stadium, took the tour, bought the dragons.

(Official Merchandise of the Welsh Rugby Union!) This particular species is called Mertesdrachen (for obvious reasons). On the left is my little Gwasanaethau.

Pretty detail: There are dragon scales on the Wales rugby kits!

Good night ...

Day Two: Off to The Bay!
"In these stones horizons sing" makes a really good brain worm.

Oooh, look! The water pillar!

Gotta take our self portrait in that. Standing on the TARDIS-rubbed-off-on-it invisible lift.


Ah, let's just stroll along that boardwalk. *humm dee dum*
... humm? What's that big notice board over there ...?
.... OMG!!

It's a Ianto Shrine!!

A mildly emotional example:

(You don't want to know about the really emo ones.)

"Anything is possible in Sci-Fi!"

(My favourite explanation (thank you YouTube) of why Ianto comes
back from the dead: sexually transmitted immortality.)

And since accidentally (I swear!) I had a few sheets of pink heart-patterned paper in my backpack (from a 25-years-old notebook which a friend and me used as letter book) because I always carry a pen and paper around, there was no choice for us but to add a little reverence of our own - with the help of little room sharing in someone else's poly pocket and absolutelynot1's ingenious use of tissue pack adhesive tape.

We only realized later that this was actually Ianto's tourist information door to the hub.

And now: Panto time!
Further proof that John Barrowman and Jens Lehmann are basically the same person:

The location of the New Theatre where Robin Hood was played.

Prior proof:

Jens = Johannes
John = Johannes

Lehmann = something to do with farming
Barrowman = something to do with farming

And my, we had so much fun!
("Oooh, YES!")

And I may now officially wear this teeshirt:

Of course Mr. B. was flirting with the audience at the end of the show - promoting the charity and generally having a laugh. Oh! What? No, Mr. is not asking *me* in my middle-of-the-second-row-seat how I liked the show - I'm sure he means the lady in the seat behind me, or maybe two rows behind me, and anyway, I'm certainly not going to make a fool of myself by answering questions which I haven't been asked in the first place, so I'll just keep sitting here staring blandly at your pretty face if that's alright, yes? *crawls under the seat* (Talk about the tragedy of my life ...)

TMI: I was ovulating on the day of the panto. I'm pretty sure Mr. B. is not to blame though.)

 * Can you tell I've read Mr. B.'s autobiographies (yes, both of them)?

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Mal wieder was Hübsches
Da ich jetzt endlich verstanden habe, wie das mit dieser Torrenterei funktioniert, hab' ich mir mal die zweite Staffel von Doctor Who runtergeladen und werde nun also die nächsten Abende zum Teil damit verbringen, David Tennants foxiness zu bewundern.


(Ja, ich weiß, das ist unanständig.)

(Die Torrenterei natürlich.)

(David Tennants To be or not to be ist übrigens auch recht eindrucksvoll.)

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Mittwoch, 21. April 2010
Here's a *ththth ... th!*
Here's a healththt to the Retholution
Likewise the Eliza Swan
Ththree cheerth for the Battler of Montrothse
And the Diamond, ship of fame!

Ich werde es schaffen, "Bonnie Ship The Diamond" zischelfrei zu singen, jawohl!

(Aber mir hat schon lange kein Lied mehr von Anfang an so gut im Hals gelegen. Juchhei! *singt noch lauter*)

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